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Seeding and Propagation

Description & Characteristics Fertilizing and Watering Aeration and Dethatching Seeding and Propagation
Lawn Care Guide   Spring Lawn Care   Summer Lawn Care   Fall Lawn Care   Fertilization   Mowing   Aerating & De-thatching    Weeds and Insects    Grass Type Info

Warm Season Grasses
 Bahia  Bermuda  Carpetgrass
Cool Season Grasses Bluegrass  Fine Fescue  Tall Fescue

Planting New Lawn

Planting Bluegrass is similar to many other lawns. Bluegrass is generally best planted in the early fall.

Prepare the Seed bed, Grade, smooth and level the lawn, remove debris such as stones twigs etc. Lightly tilling the first several inches of soil will also help loosen and provide a good foundation for your grass seed. Work in a good starter fertilizer. Fertilizers such as a 28-24-6 would be ideal. You need a fertilizer that has a generous amount of nitrogen (28) and a higher rate of phosphorous then usual. (24) the phosphorous will encourage vigorous root growth in your new lawn helping it to establish itself into a dense turf. Spread the seed at the rate of 2 to 3 pounds per 1000 square feet, rake the seed in to a depth of  1/4” and if needed, use straw as a light mulch to prevent erosion. Water daily for 30 days to give all of the seed a good chance to germinate.

Bluegrass Seed - Steve Hurst @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

Over Seeding Existing Lawn

Cut the existing lawn as close as possible without scalping it. Rake or scratch the soil and apply the seed over it at the rate of 1 to 2 Pound per 1000 Square feet. If possible aerate the soil and then follow mulching and watering instructions as listed above.


WARNING, Do not use any weed and feed fertilizers or weed preventative applications when seeding a lawn