Welcome to the Lawn Place
Lawn Care
I hope to make this the first stop to anyone interested in lawn care. All of the information on this site has been carefully researched and put together as an easy to use reference guide. I hope you find it useful. The information here is constantly being updated. Check back often as you’ll find additional changes and enhancements to existing sections.
You’ll find lawn care tips on mowing, lawn fertilizing, seasonal lawn care and many other related topics. So, regardless of the type of lawn you are trying to grow, you’ll find valuable information on this site that will help you in growing the best lawn possible
We’ve recently added two more sections to this page. One is Garden Care articles that go beyond your basic lawn care. We will be publishing articles on landscaping and general garden care for both decorative and vegetable gardens.
Additionally, we have also added a section on garden tool reviews. You find a wide variety of tools that have reviews here.
What you’ll Learn about Lawns
You will find this Site organized by cool and warm season grasses. There is also a “Lawn Care Guide” section. The sections on the individual grasses contain information and advice for those specific grass types. In here, You’ll find individual sections on warm and cool seasonal grasses. I will be adding additional sections other grass types as time allows. Additionally, The Lawn Care Guide covers fertilizing, mowing, watering and establishing lawns. My goal is to provide you with the best grass care information. Therefore I will be organizing it so that you have an online reference guide available to you as a resource.

Keeping and maintaining a beautiful lawn isn’t as difficult as you think. If you read through the articles on this site, you’ll begin to understand that maintaning one isn’t magical. It requires some thought, patience and a good deal of work, but the results are worth it.
Above all, use this guide as a general reference. Whenever possible, be sure to check with a local expert or university extension as well. There are many variables that are particular to regions that may not be taken into account within this guide. For that reason, consulting with a University or State extension is a great next stop.